In contribution to the national effort for the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, the volunteers of Act4Community, under the supervision of the doctors of the OCP Group and in collaboration with the local authorities, mobilize daily and carry out concrete actions in the fields of raising awareness, health, and of helping the most vulnerable populations.The awareness-raising action on sanitary and hygienic measures targets residents of cities near settlement sites but also of countryside (douars) and of peripheral districts. The teams carried out several disinfection actions in neighborhoods, health centers, main roads and places with a lot of traffic such as markets, stations and administrations.
Act4Community has also carried out food distribution campaigns for the benefit of isolated populations and local associations. It also works actively to promote the social solidarity economy in this particular context by supporting cooperatives in particular in their structuring, digitization and their communication. Act4Community also encourages Group collaborators and entities to buy local products that these cooperatives market.The Group was active at the first sign of the crisis with its industrial ecosystem, integrating it into awareness raising and disinfection operations lead by the production units. In addition, the Group is also implementing concrete measures in favor of the human capital of its most affected subcontractors in direct or indirect support to these people.The awareness-raising actions also targeted rural populations through the mobilization of Al Moutmir teams who relied on their close links with the farmers as well as on social networks and digital tools, to spread good hygiene and health practices.
The OCP Group has also provided its support to the national education sector in this specific context. The Group has made available the resources of its educational structures, in particular the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), the 1337 and Youcode schools, the OCP Foundation, the Benguerir High School of Excellence and the various ISEPs to provide human, technical and material support as well as their infrastructure for capacity building in the education sector.The objective is to support the Ministry of National Education and the regional education and training academies for the production of courses and educational content in the form of videos. The national TV channels provided as part of the educational continuity plan of the Ministry of National Education broadcast these videos.
In order to reinforce the means to stop the propagation of the pandemic, the various OCP Group sites in collaboration with the Act4Community teams also offered their assistance to public health services, in particular health delegations and hospitals. They provide medical and other equipment, including ambulances, protective equipment and consumables. The volunteers also helped for the rehabilitation and fitting out of the premises of the non-functional services of certain hospitals in order to increase the treatment and isolation capacities of health infrastructures.