SALT LAKE POTASH, an Australian mineral exploration company, has announced that it will be implementing a revised ramp-up strategy at its Lake Way sulfate of potash (SOP) project in Western Australia. The company is primarily focused on the development of the Lake Way project where its long-term plan is to develop an integrated Sulphate of Potash (SOP) operation. The company’s portfolio comprises nine lakes, spread across the Goldfields region of Western Australia. Its revised ramp-up strategy involves suspending the initial plant feed programme following the processing of the first 90-110 000 t of harvest salts, to enable more salts to precipitate before commencing continuous harvesting activities. As a result of the revised pond ramp-up schedule and associated delayed plant feed salt availability, forecasted SOP production for FY22 has been reduced and the company will require further funding before the end of 2021 to continue operations at Lake Way. Discussions to resolve the funding shortfall have commenced and once complete and agreed will be announced to the market. The company has also said that construction and practical completion of the Lake Way process plant has been finalized with GR Engineering Services handing over the plant to SO4 in late June. Each of the 34 process units in the plant have been individually commissioned and the SO4 operations team is now working through the ‘Stage 4’ load commissioning process.
WESTERN RESOURCES CORP., which operates as an exploration and mining company, has said that it is aiming to complete project financing of the Milestone Potash Phase 1 Project in Saskatchewan, Canada. Being operated by the company’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Western Potash Corp., Western has continued advancing and optimizing its mining operations since suspending construction of the project in May 2020. These are key to securing the remaining project financing required to complete the balance of plant construction. From 28 April 2020, when hot mining started, until its suspension on 28 May 2021, Western’s operation team has accumulated extensive experience and collected valuable mining data relevant to the application of its solution mining technology. After extensive analysis of the data, and with the help of a number of leading solution mining experts, Western is developing an optimized solution mining plan. The new plan is to focus on the increase of solution mining efficiency and life span of the mining caverns. To have those positive changes reflected in the overall economic assessment of the project, Western has engaged a third-party engineering firm to review the operation plans and update its National Instrument 43-101 technical report. The updated report will also include an anticipated increase in the project’s mine life from 12 to 40 years. Key findings of the report are expected to be released by mid-October 2021.
WESTSHORE TERMINALS INVESTMENT CORP. has announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Westshore Terminals Ltd. Partnership, has executed an agreement with BHP Canada Inc., a subsidiary of BHP Group, to provide port services to BHP’s proposed Jansen Potash Mine in Saskatchewan, Canada. BHP had said in June that it was reviewing two port options for the project. The agreement is subject to approval by the Board of BHP and execution by BHP, after which the agreement would still be conditional on BHP making a final investment decision on Stage 1 of the Jansen Project. These decisions are entirely within the discretion of BHP. If the Jansen Project does proceed, the agreement requires Westshore to handle potash for BHP for a term to 2051, subject to extension. It also requires Westshore to construct the necessary infrastructure to handle potash at Westshore’s Roberts Bank Terminal by 2026, with BHP funding the construction. If BHP announces a final decision to proceed with the Jansen Stage 1 Project, the BHP-Westshore agreement will become binding on BHP, at which time Westshore will provide further details concerning the agreement.