TRIGG MINING LTD has advised that it has taken another step towards confirming the potential of its 100%-owned Lake Throssell Sulphate of Potash (SOP) Project in Western Australia after receiving highly encouraging assay results from the recent 26-hole rotary drilling programme. The results from the helicopter-supported rotary drilling programme have confirmed the presence of a high-grade surficial aquifer over an extensive area, with favourable host lithologies. The drilling programme comprised 26 holes drilled to an average depth of 6.5 m (maximum of 10 m), with a total of 77 brine samples collected at various depths down-hole. The brine chemistry was also consistent with earlier results and exhibited favourable characteristics for solar evaporative concentration and lower waste salts, with a low Na:K ratio and a high SO4 concentration. The results also suggest that the down-hole potassium grade profile remains consistent within individual drill holes.
KALIUM LAKES LTD has announced that the Beyondie Sulphate of Potash Project (BSOPP), Western Australia, is now 52% complete and tracking ahead of its updated schedule. During July, construction started on the SOP Processing Plant with the mobilisation of DRA to commence civil and concrete works and installation of underground services. Following completion of the recent capital raise, construction works recommenced in several project areas, with numbers peaking at more than 100 people on site during the month of July and forecast to exceed 200 people, on average, in the coming months. Measures have been put in place to manage the risks and impact of restrictions associated with Covid-19, allowing works to continue in accordance with the updated schedule. Delivery of equipment has commenced and forecast delivery of all long lead equipment is also on schedule.
SALT LAKE POTASH (SO4) has announced construction of the process plant at its Lake Way Sulfate of Potash (SOP) project in Western Australia has continued to progress during the June quarter with the first SOP production remaining on schedule for the March quarter of 2021. In a quarterly update for the period ending 30 June 2020, SO4 said both Stage 1 and 2 pond networks at Lake Way are in operation and precipitating harvest salts and brine chemistry, which continues to align with the company’s previously modelled outcomes. A 277 kg bulk sample of harvest salts was taken from the Stage 1 Kainite Ponds, reporting average potassium grades of 7.5%, above assumed average plant feed in the BFS of 6.8%. Trench development at Lake Way recommenced in June with the total trench length extended to 48 km by the end of the quarter from 35 km at the end of the March quarter. At the site, the company completed bulk civil earthworks and commenced pouring concrete foundations during the quarter while procurement advanced significantly with the project now over 90% procured for major packages and key vendor contracts executed.