Jordan is planning to build its first nuclear plant by the year 2020 to meet the anticipated growing power demands and avoid electricity outages affecting the economy of the Middle-eastern country.
The Jordanians will go nuclear with the help of Russians. The project will cost about $ 10 billion, or one third of Jordan’s GDP. Russian Rosatom’s reactor export subsidiary, AtomStroyExport, will supply the nuke power technology, while Rosatom Overseas will operate the facility.
The plant will have two reactors – the first will be operational by 2020, the second by 2025. The project, which will enable Jordan to produce 2000 MW, will help the country reduce its dependence on foreign energy imports.
Along with a new oil pipeline from Iraq, exploitation of domestic shale oil, and use of renewable energy (wind& solar), the nuclear facility will boost Jordan’s energy mix, cut electricity prices and support economic growth.