Parkway Minerals has announced that it has commenced a pre-feasibility study for its Karinga Lakes potash project in the Northern Territory, Australia. The pre-feasibility study is designed to evaluate the merits of developing the potash project based on an innovative development concept incorporating aMES™ technology and assist in establishing the broader aMES technology platform through, firstly, construction and commissioning of a state-of-the-art aMES pilot plant, secondly, flow sheet optimisation, validation and key equipment/vendor qualification and, lastly, providing a practical demonstration of the advantages of the aMES technology over conventional brine project development concepts.
The Karinga Lakes potash project covers an extensive brine lake system over pastoral land, located approximately 250 km southwest of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory, Australia. The chain of dry salt lakes is located within the Central Australian Groundwater Discharge Zone. During the last decade, KLPP joint venture (JV) partner Verdant Minerals has performed extensive resource appraisal studies, including substantial drilling and brine production testing. Historical studies identified the potential to produce a range of products from the KLPP, including potassium magnesium sulfate (KMS) and premium sulfate of potash (SOP).
Prior to acquisition by Parkway Minerals, Consolidated Potash Corp. Ltd (CPC) acquired an initial 15% interest in the KLPP by performing a scoping study, which identified a number of potentially attractive opportunities to develop the KLPP through an innovative approach based on the aMES technology. „We will continue to work diligently to deliver the KLPP-PFS on time, on budget and strive to exceed the expectations of all our stakeholders in terms of the key deliverables,“ said Parkway Minerals‘ Managing Director, Bahay Ozcakmak, and added that the pre-feasibility study „will enable Parkway Minerals and our recently announced EPC partner to develop joint capabilities, and together with the aMES pilot plant we are building, will immediately have applications for much larger and more advanced opportunities, some of which we have been evaluating for some time.”