OCP Group has implemented prevention measures to stop the COVID-19 pandemic continue in the Morocco’s southern provinces. Act4Community volunteers, including a medical team, from the Phosboucraa site have led a multidisciplinary medical campaign for the benefit of sub-Saharan migrants placed in quarantine in the city of Laâyoune.The operation took place in the Al Qods Youth Center and attracted a large number of beneficiaries.This initiative adds up to the already launched actions by Phosboucraa including the medical mobilization in the fight against COVID-19. In March, Laâyoune’s Act4Community teams delivered to the Moulay Hassan Ben Mehdi Hospital in Laâyoune two confinement healthcare rooms, protection equipment for the medical and paramedical staff as well as a batch of emergency and reanimation medicine.
The OCP Group-backed Act4Community also continues to assist cooperatives to tackle the economic crisis related to the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, the Ayadi El Fath and Oqba cooperatives operating in sewing at Jorf Lasfar, which are now managing the production of masks, have so far received orders of over 100,000 masks from several towns.In collaboration with the Normalisation Moroccan Institute (IMANOR) and the École Nationale Supérieure des Industries du Textile et de l’Habillement (ESITH), the masks produced by these cooperatives obtained the NM/ST 21.5.201 (norme 2020) certification and are compliant with the technical requirements of sanitary authorities.Thanks to the new Act4Cooperatives initiative launched by OCP Group, approximately one hundred families from the Oulad Ghadban Douar saw improvement in their living conditions thanks to the production of masks made to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
To mitigate the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Act4Community has also implemented a new program for local cooperatives: Act4Coopératives.This new initiative reinforces the number of actions carried out by OCP Group collaborators and volunteers to assist and support local communities in need. The objective is to offer artisans and other members of the solidarity economy the opportunity to ensure the continuity of their activities and to equip them with online sales tools. Act4Coopératives supports cooperatives through technical and managerial training, the creation of catalogs listing all of their products as well as setting up a home delivery system to deliver their products. To date, the cooperatives have received 200 orders from collaborators at the Jorf Lasfar site.In Gantour, a catalog of local products is available on the Act4Community Facebook page with the possibility of ordering by email or via a form.As for Safi’s cooperatives, an e-commerce platform at their disposal highlights the products and includes delivery options.