Mining Sirius to use Polyhalite in Tanzania

Mining Sirius to use Polyhalite in Tanzania

UK based Sirius Minerals Company has signed an agreement with the Tanzanian government to support the introduction of its York Potash polyhalite into this African country.
Under the agreement, Sirius has pledged to encourage better balanced fertilisation practices and enhance the Tanzanian fertilizer Research & Development (R&D) in which polyhalite will be used. Polyhalite can be utilised as a direct application fertilizer or blended with other fertilizers including rock phosphate, which is produced in different parts of Tanzania, to produce balanced fertilizers to improve crop yields.
Due to the important role agriculture plays in the Tanzanian economy, the low-cost nature of polyhalite can improve the accessibility to key nutrients in the region, leading to better productivity.
Production at the York Potash project is expected to begin in 2018 and with full production of 13 million tonnes per year expected around 2020/24.
Based in North Yorkshire, at the United Kingdom, York Potash is Sirius major development asset, seeking to develop a new potash mine near Whitby, North Yorkshire.
The mine will be the first new potash mine in the UK for 40 years and will be a deep shaft mine of unprecedented design and world leading example within the mining industry.
The Project area is situated lies between Whitby and Scarborough, wherein ies the thickest and highest grade polyhalite Ore Reserve in the world.
The project focuses on the production of polyhalite, a naturally occurring mineral containing four of the six macro-nutrients required for plant growth (potassium, sulphur, magnesium and calcium).
