PhosAgro has welcomed the decision of the EU to limit the sale of phosphate-based fertilizers that contain high levels of heavy metals from 2022 and to provide fertilizers with less than 20 mg Cd/kg P2O5 with voluntary green labelling. The final decision attempts to reduce harm to human health and environment, and improve safety and sustainability of European agriculture.
“While our fertilizers meet even the most stringent requirements in terms of purity, we welcome this decision, since the main beneficiary of the implementation of this EU initiative will be the residents of Europe, as well as consumers of food produced in the worldwide,” said Sven Ombudstvedt, Chairman of PhosAgro’s Board of Directors. This step limits the levels of cadmium in phosphate-based fertilizers across Europe. PhosAgro, which controlled around 15% of the European market for phosphate fertilizers in 2018, believes that the policy creates incentives for fertilizer producers to further improve the quality of food, make a contribution to sustainable development, and ultimately take responsibility for environmental risks coming with the production of fertilizers.
PhosArgo, whose products are used in 100 countries around the world, approves green labelling that allows customers to make more informed choices. “Ensuring food security, healthy standards of living and general well-being are some of the most pressing global challenges facing humanity. The decision on cadmium limits is a step in the right direction,” said Irina Bokova, PhosAgro Board of Directors member and former UNESCO Director-General.