Highfield Resources Ltd has provided an update on the Muga Potash Mine permitting process. One of the key benefits of Muga is its location in Spain, and specifically in Navarra and Aragón where there is excellent access to infra-structure for transportation and electrical power. Highfield would like to advise that it has been granted the administrative authorisation for construction of key sections of the high voltage electrical supply line needed to build the Mine. Notwithstanding the normal local construction licences, and subject to the issue of the mining concession, these authorisations are the essential approvals necessary to proceed with the construction of the over-head lines and substations that will provide grid power to the Muga Mine. “Receiving these authorisation permits for these key sections of the power line from Sangüesa to the mine portal is an important step in the permitting process and shows the overall level of confidence the administration has in the project,” Highfield CEO, Ignacio Salazar, commented.
Acron Group, a leading mineral fertilizer producer in Russia and globally, has proceeded to the second stage of the overhaul of the urea unit at its production site in Veliky Novgorod. Costing a total of US85 million, the comprehensive upgrades to the sixth unit will increase capacity to 2050 tpd from 600 tpd. Preparations for the Urea-6+ project started in 2019, with the launch scheduled for 2Q21. Several parts of the project are currently active, including the construction of the evaporation unit and the integrated sewage treatment unit; the construction of foundations for service structure; upgrades to all urea infrastructure, including a new water cycle and replaced distillation columns, condensers, and pumps; widened rail access roads to prevent shipping bottlenecks. „With increased ammonia capacity at the Veliky Novgorod site, we needed to rethink efficient processing. … Once this project is complete in 2021, total annual output will increase by 0.5 million t to 1.9 million t, and Acron will be the largest urea facility not only in Russia but also in Europe,“ Chairman of the Acron Board of Directors, Alexander Popov, commented.
Salt Lake Potash Ltd (SO4) has provided an update on its Lake Way Project at Wiluna, Western Australia. The project remains on schedule to deliver first SOP production in 1Q21. Total project is now 60% complete on an earned value basis and major vendor procurement packages are over 90% committed with fixed costs. At the process plant site, concrete foundations poured by Flanco are more than 80% complete, installation of structural steel supplied by Metro Steel has commenced and first carbon steel tanks have been installed by Proweld. Long lead procurement items have commenced arriving on site including the Veolia crystallisers with associated components and tanks, and transformers from Wilson. Vendor packages that are currently in transit to site include lump breaker, attritioners, wet screens and centrifuges. The Paleochannel drilling programme continues with the sixth bore hole now underway. Last, but not the least, development of On Lake infrastructure continues to progress and all permanent buildings are now on site and installed.