GENSOURCE POTASH CORP. has announced another milestone for its Tugaske project – the kick-off of engineering work for the major process equipment package. The Canadian company based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, has engaged a consortium of potash process design and equipment fabrication companies that will work together to provide a design-supply-commission package for the entire process plant at the Tugaske project. Gensource has also made significant advances in the development and financing of the Tugaske project. KfW IPEX-Bank and Société Générale, joint lead arrangers for the project debt, are nearing completion of their due diligence process. To satisfy a significant portion of the German export requirement, Gensource has elected to work with a consortium of three German-based design and equipment fabrication companies: K-UTEC AG Salt Technologies (K-Utec), Koeppern GmbH & Co KG (Koeppern), and Ebner GmbH & Co KG (Ebner). Together, the three companies, collectively referred to as ‘KKE’, have the capability to supply the entire main process plant in a single design-supply-commission package.
TRIGG MINING Ltd, a Western Australian exploration company, has advised that the next stage of ground-based exploration is underway at its flagship 100%-owned Lake Throssell sulfate of potash project in Western Australia with the commencement of an in-fill gravity survey. The company has also made excellent progress with the initial 24-hole shallow (<12 m) lake rotary drilling programme, which is scheduled to be completed by the end of this week. The in-fill gravity survey, comprising 14 lines for 107 km, together with the survey conducted earlier in the year, will provide the first comprehensive and accurate picture of the entire tenement, helping the company’s exploration team to refine drilling locations for the air-core drilling programme scheduled to during the quarter. Assay results from the rotary drilling programme and the gravity survey are anticipated to be available in August 2020.
KARNALYTE RESOURCES Inc, a Canadian company engaged in the business of exploration and development of high quality agricultural and industrial potash and magnesium products, has completed its previously-announced nitrogen pre-feasibility study and that it will continue its disciplined consideration of the Proteos nitrogen project in Saskatchewan, Canada. The nitrogen pre-feasibility study is part of the ongoing strategic planning process of the board and management in charting the future for the company. With input from local advisors in Canada, including Wood Canada, the prefeasibility study was initially prepared by Karnalyte’s strategic partner and largest investor, India-based Gujarat State Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited (GSFC), and ultimately updated and completed by Karnalyte. The pre-feasibility study provided a review of key elements of the project, including site location, production process and technology options, process selection for both the ammonia and urea plants, and an analysis of raw material, utility and product specifications. While Karnalyte is encouraged by the results of the pre-feasibility study, Karnalyte will continue to consider the Proteos nitrogen project with discipline and caution.