Canada’s Arianne Phosphate Company has said that its “Lac à Paul Project” will enable the company to produce high quality phosphate concentrate at affordable operating costs.
The company has also said it sealed a power deal with Canadian ministry of energy and natural resources for the purchase of a 115-MW from Hydro-Québec at a preferential and reduced rate.
Arianne is developing “the Lac à Paul Phosphate Project” which is located approximately 200 km north of the Saguenay/Lac St. Jean area in Quebec.
The Project is expected to produce a high quality igneous apatite concentrate grading 39% P2O5 with little or no contaminants. The Company says that its exploration drillings have shown very promising initial results
The Arianne Company, which was founded in 1997, is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange. This mineral exploration Company has 87, 087, 755 million shares.
It is focusing now on developing its Lac à Paul resource into a major mine. This phosphate rock mine project is believed to have a deposit the largest in the country, consisting of several promising mineralized zones.