P-FERTILIZER AND LITHIUM RECOVERY FROM BATTERIES —- Lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries represent over 1/3 of the world market for lithium ion batteries, points out
Category: Analysis

Latest Research on Fertilizers: Greenhouse Gas Benefits of Recycled N, Pathogens in Struvite From Manure Digestive & Fertilizer From Spent Extinguisher Powder
LCA AND GREENHOUSE GAS BENEFITS OF RECYCLED NITROGEN —- In a study entitled “Carbon Footprint and Energy Use of Recycled Fertilizers in Arable Farming”, the

Latest Research on Phosphates: P-Recycling From Baby Nappies, Climate Change and Plant P-Uptake & Health Problems From Plant P in Diet
PHOSPHORUS-RECYCLING FROM BABY NAPPIES —- The quantity potential in the case of Australia, possible technologies and needed changes to disposable nappy design and management for

Latest Research on Phosphates: Recycled P in Organic Farming, Struvite as Fertilizer in Hydroponics&SSIA in Fertiliser Production
RECYCLED PHOSPHORUS FOR CANADA’S ORGANIC FARMING —- Organic farm systems are often phosphorus-deficient and recycled nutrients could help address this, e.g. insect frass (from processing

Fertilizer Industry News: OCP Group, Evoqua/Ostara and Nutrien
OCP GROUP, Moroccan phosphate and fertilizer giant, and the Government of Ethiopia have signed a Joint Development Agreement to implement a fertilizer project in Dire

Latest Research on Phosphates: Marine Biomass’ Benefits, P-Footprint for Urban Diets, Struvite as P-Source for AlfaAlfa
HARVESTING MARINE BIOMASS OFFERS NUTRIENT AND CLIMATE BENEFITS — Life cycle analysis (LCA) of seven examples of harvesting cultivated or spontaneous biomass from the sea

Latest Research on Phosphates: Global Agri-Product Trade, Use in Cosmetics and Human Health
PHOSPHORUS IN GLOBAL AGRICULTURAL PRODUCT TRADE —- Phosphorus in traded crops and livestock products (not including P traded in fertilizers, phosphoric acid, other chemicals, phosphate

Five Forms of Potash: Sylvite, Polyhalite, Langbeinite, Carnallite and Nitrate
Potash is a potassium-bearing nutrient, an impure combination of potassium carbonate and potassium salt, which is essential for growing healthy, high-yield crops. Potash is one

Potash Industry News: Emmerson, South Harz Potash and Trigg Mining
EMMERSON, whose primary focus is on developing the Khemisset Potash project located in Northern Morocco, has said that the environmental approval process for the project

Phosphate Industry News: Itafos, Minbos Resources and Paradeep Phosphates
ITAFOS, a US-based vertically integrated phosphate fertilizer company, has announced that its Conda phosphate fertilizer business, located in Idaho, US, completed its scheduled plant turnaround