NE NITRO GENEVA LLC, an anhydrous ammonia fertilizer-manufacturing operation located in Geneva, Nebraska, US, that uses the trade name of Nebraska Nitrogen, has acquired an
Category: Phosphate Rock

Latest Research on Phosphates: Global Agri-Product Trade, Use in Cosmetics and Human Health
PHOSPHORUS IN GLOBAL AGRICULTURAL PRODUCT TRADE —- Phosphorus in traded crops and livestock products (not including P traded in fertilizers, phosphoric acid, other chemicals, phosphate

Potash & Phosphate Market Forecast: Growing Market Dynamics Due to Increased Fertilizer Consumption
The fertilizer industry is poised to benefit from increased consumption in coming years, with the global population being forecast to reach 9.7-billion in 2064, according

Morocco’s OCP Group Joins the ESPP for Promotion of Sustainable Phosphorus Management
Morocco’s OCP Group, a leading, global producer of phosphate and fertilizer, has become a member of the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP) for the promotion

Phosphate Industry News: Itafos, Minbos Resources and Paradeep Phosphates
ITAFOS, a US-based vertically integrated phosphate fertilizer company, has announced that its Conda phosphate fertilizer business, located in Idaho, US, completed its scheduled plant turnaround

Expert Analysis: Legacy Phosphorus After 45 Years With Consistent Cropping Systems and Fertilization Compared to Native Soils
Long-term cropping practices significantly enhance the rate of mineralization of organic phosphorus (Po) regardless of whether they were fertilized, a study published by the Lausanne-based

MENA Phosphates & Potash News: OCP Africa, OCI N.V./Fertiglobe and Jordan Phosphate Mines Co.
OCP AFRICA FERTILIZERS NIGERIA Ltd. (OCP Africa) has been awarded a US$1.4 million co-investment grant by the USAID-funded West Africa Trade & Investment Hub (Trade

US Farmers Overpay for Fertilizers Due to Duties Imposed on Moroccan and Russian Phosphate Imports
Most fertilizer prices soared in 2021, particularly phosphates and urea, driven by strong demand and higher input costs, and they are expected to stay high

Phosphate Industry News: Ma’aden, Minbos Resources and Nutrien
MA’ADEN, the Saudi Arabian Mining Company, has completed utilities commissioning on a US$900 million ammonia plant in Ras Al-Khair industrial City. Construction completion is expected

Phosphate News Update: Minbos Resources, Nutrien and Kropz
MINBOS RESOURCES, the ASX-listed Australia-based exploration and development company, has lodged an Australian provisional patent application for a new phosphate rock fertilizer blend, with the