EMMERSON, whose primary focus is on developing the Khemisset Potash project located in Northern Morocco, has said that the environmental approval process for the project
Category: Pacific

Phosphate Industry News: Itafos, Minbos Resources and Paradeep Phosphates
ITAFOS, a US-based vertically integrated phosphate fertilizer company, has announced that its Conda phosphate fertilizer business, located in Idaho, US, completed its scheduled plant turnaround

Phosphate Industry News: Ma’aden, Minbos Resources and Nutrien
MA’ADEN, the Saudi Arabian Mining Company, has completed utilities commissioning on a US$900 million ammonia plant in Ras Al-Khair industrial City. Construction completion is expected

Phosphate News Update: Minbos Resources, Nutrien and Kropz
MINBOS RESOURCES, the ASX-listed Australia-based exploration and development company, has lodged an Australian provisional patent application for a new phosphate rock fertilizer blend, with the

Potassium Salts & Fertilizers: Industry Update From China, Australia, Eritrea and Canada
CHINA — In 1Q2021 imports of potassium chloride to China increased by about 20% to 2.59 million tons. Moreover, in March, imports of potassium chloride

Fertilizer Industry Update: Agrimin, Sinochem Fertilizer Macao and Koch Fertilizer
AGRIMIN Ltd., the Western Australian based minerals company, has signed a binding offtake agreement with Sinochem Fertilizer Macao Ltd. for the supply of 150 000

Expert Analysis: Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilizer Recommendations for High-Yielding, Profitable Soybeans
How agricultural growers can maximize their economic returns from phosphorus and potassium fertilizer applications to soybeans is the focus of a study recently published in

Pacific Fertilizer Industry News: Incitec Pivot, Yara Pilbara and Salt Lake Potash
INCITEC PIVOT Ltd, an ASX listed international company that manufactures, markets and distributes a range of industrial chemicals, fertilisers and explosives, has announced that its

Potash Fertilizer Industry Update: Saskatchewan Mining and Minerals, Salt Lake Potash & Acron Group
SASKATCHEWAN MINING AND MINERALS Inc (SMMI) has announced a planned construction for a CAN$220 million sulfate of potash (SOP) fertilizer production upgrade at its sodium