Over the last few weeks, we have witnessed several major steps that Russia had taken in order to fortify its revenues from selling its natural
Category: Analysis

Real Energy Security Lies in Renewables and Efficiency, not in Diversifying Dependence on Fossil Fuels
Interview with David C. Murphy – Executive Director of Greenpeace Czech Republic. PHOSPHATE-PRICE has spoken to David C. Murphy – currently an Executive Director of

Energy Charter Treaty: Towards Multilateralism in Energy Security
Interview with William Kucera – Exclusive Analysis, Canberra PHOSPHATE-PRICE has spoken to William Kucera, a Southeast Asia analyst at Exclusive Analysis, currently based in Canberra,

Tackling Global Challenges in the Mining Industry
Last month’s mining tragedy in western Turkey that killed more than 280 people pointed out the corrupted mining safety not only in Turkey but throughout

Re-designing the European Climate and Energy Policies post-2020
The main objective of the European climate and energy policy has been to ensure the sustainability, safety and competitiveness of energy supplies for its citizens.

Oman’s Mining & Quarrying Conference 2014
Mining experts, investors, operators and professionals from around the world will in meet in Muscat 18-19 May 2014 at an annual conference to discuss business